If your situation changes?

Almost retired

You are about to retire. This is an important time when choices have to be made about your pension.

You can decide for yourself when to retire:

  • If you retire on the agreed date, you do not have to take any action.
  • If you retire early, let us know at least three months beforehand if you wish to retire early. This can be done by sending us a signed letter. You will then receive an information package from us, which includes a statement of your pension capital.

Small pension?

If your pension capital at Flexsecurity is lower than the commutation limit, we may propose paying out your pension in one go within six months after the commencement of your retirement pension payments. This is called commutation. You can decide for yourself whether you wish to accept this or not. There are advantages and disadvantages:


The value of your pension held by our fund is paid into your bank account in a single lump sum. This can be an advantage if you need the money urgently or if you don't expect to live long.


  • You won't receive any monthly payments from our fund.
  • There will be no partner's pension for your partner or former partner. As a result, your partner or former partner will not receive any benefit payments in the event of your death.
  • It is possible that the lump-sum payment means you lose other sources of income. For instance, if you receive any benefits and/or allowances from the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst), these may be reduced. We recommend that you check with the organization that pays you the benefit or allowance. We don't know your exact situation or the consequences.

Pension payment

If your pension capital at Flexsecurity exceeds the commutation limit or you do not agree to commutation, that money must be used to purchase a lifelong pension at an insurer of your choice.

Your pension capital may not be used for another purpose. That is possible only if you make use of the commutation scheme.

You will receive a letter from your pension provider, AZL, well before your retirement date. This will ask whether you consent to your information being provided to Apple Tree. Apple Tree is an independent pension adviser. Flexsecurity may namely not give any advice on choosing an insurer. If you agree to your information being provided, Apple Tree will ask you in a letter, two months before your retirement date, to choose a pension provider via Metpensioen.nl. If you do not use this website, Apple Tree will help you further with the process.

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